Task management: the importance of process organization for greater efficiency and productivity!

Have you heard of task management? Do you know what this means and how it can help your business to be more efficient in its processes? If you still have questions, today’s post is for you!

Task management is primarily a broad concept, but it presupposes, to achieve results through process organization. If organization does not exist, it is not possible to achieve the objectives in a timely manner or by making the best use of available resources.

If this is the challenge you face in your business, be aware: the problem may be that your missing this important factor. And to help you understand its importance, we’ve brought you the benefits of putting it into practice in your environment through a task manager! Look:

Agility in project execution

One of the biggest difficulties companies may face when they have a new project to develop is the bureaucracy or the delay in completing it, which can even compromise the time-to-market of any solution.

And that happens most of the time because you spend a lot of time planning how it will be done and how it should start, where to start, which teams will be with each stage, how they will communicate, how to organize the phases and so on.

This can be done through a task manager, a program based on standards and development methodologies when creating software and computer systems that can help with the difficulties faced by mobilizing professionals as analysts.

With well-defined task management, this part is eliminated and every time a new project enters the company. It’s already possible to put it in the same aligned production flow, which optimizes its performance and may indicate which tasks, are most urgent to conduct the project through the priority steps, ensuring that nothing is left out or out of time.

Better process definition based on methodologies

When managing tasks, another plus point is working on methodologies, which often have a proven degree of efficiency and ability to deliver results.

Therefore, make sure not to work with “loose” steps, but always within a “logic” that will converge to results, according to the specificities and needs of each project.

An example is agile methodologies. When managing tasks, you can choose traditional or agile methodology, and this delimitation helps the company to be more accurate in the organization of processes according to the objective of each project they want to perform.

Project management enables better integration between teams

Finally, having good task management in your business will not only prevent you from wasting time by clearly defining the steps to follow – just taking a start and completing them one by one – but also allowing for better integration and communication between the teams.

This avoids rework, allows greater synergy between teams and focus on what is strategic in development for each area, saving unnecessary time for planning and defining strictly “operational” issues.

So, have you thought about having a task manager? Talk to Kyros or keep following our blog for news on the subject and stay tunned on what can be done for your company to be more efficient in project management!

Postado por Kyros Tecnologia em 21 November, 2019


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