When is it worth investing in test automation?

Test steps are very important in a software development project because they guarantee the correct verification of attributes present in the solution, which increases the consideration in term of test automation.

However, despite knowing some advantages, certain companies may still have doubts about the ideal time to invest in automation.

To help you think about this issue, here are a few things to keep in mind! Check it out:

When your company needs to gain time

One of the main things that count a great deal today in the success of companies are management and optimization of time and the so-called time-to-market.

If the company cannot be competitive this way and be able to launch its solutions in a timely manner, in front of competitors, it can hardly get any differential.

But, it’s also no use launching it “hastily”, without making sure about the functions, taking the risk of making the product available with errors – “bugs” will cause a bad impression, complaints and even rejection from the public users.

This way it would even be possible to join a tool that could facilitate the launch of new versions of products or services (read about Klonner). So that the company doesn’ t have initial rework, simplifying the management of “new versions” of a product when it is already part of an existing one, in the same context where test automation would guarantee the quality and validation of all steps in a project (Kyts).

Test automation reduces the time it takes to confront all test versions and validate it, which helps launch a higher-quality product in less time.

When work demands greater trust

A company can even be able to test and validate software work internally, but over time, you may find it isn’t enough.

The reason isn’t always lack of qualification of the team, but rather complexity in software projects and in the tests or even multiple versions, which makes it difficult to check the work if there isn’t a tool to assist this management.

Margins of error can be high when components are checked one by one “manually”, in addition to rework, that harms time and productivity.

In addition, having a test automation tool helps visualizing the factory scenarios. Being able to follow up with the help of graphs the progress of each phase of the project brings the possibility of intervening even faster in mistakes (see also 5 errors that you should avoid in the software test).

When the team needs an ally

Having a testing tool can reduce the effort of repetitive tasks, freeing the team for activities that require greater human reasoning and can generate innovation and differentials in the implementation of the solution.

That is, they release you, so you can focus on what is strategic.

This is because the testing work is continuous and leaving it only for final stages can cost a lot to the company, both in financial terms, as well as in time, image and credibility, if the solution is launched but hasn’t been well finished yet.

When the company feels difficulties in optimizing the required flows, it may also be time to use a test automation tool. Precisely because it solves this difficulty: the company can adjust the workflow of the project to the methodology with which it chooses to work with, automating more “operational” steps of work, but with a higher reliability (as opposed to checking more “manual” ones, susceptible to error detection, especially on more sensitive points in the test scenario).

What goes into testing automation?

Finally, it is worth remembering that tests for a software, an application or a system developed are not always the same. This raises a question: which tests to automate? There are several types of tests that can complement each other. In this context, we can highlight the categories of tests (white box and black box test), regression, system, integration, installation, load, performance, user acceptance and interface tests. With an automation tool, however, it is possible to carry out tests in several phases, guaranteeing verification of the behavior of the software in each situation in which it should work, which ensures higher quality before validation.

So, does your company already have a test automation tool to streamline and ensure greater security for this process? Learn more about Kyts!

Postado por Kyros Tecnologia em 25 January, 2019


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