Get to know the tool that guarantees the quality of your software: Kyts

Proposals for new programs or improvements to existing systems can emerge at any time in a company’s reality, requiring you to be prepared to put a new application on air quickly and with the highest level of efficiency.

Failure to observe performance requirements and possible software problems can lead to greater customer disruption or even loss of credibility, which is detrimental to any business.

Even in more specific cases, having security, practicality and resourcefulness in creating and testing a solution is essential to achieve a good result and save both time and resources (human or financial) – not having any problems with rework or maintenance excess, for example.

Therefore, software quality is an indispensable factor in this subject.

Transpositions – at least it seems – are the first challenges of creating and developing a software, comes the most critical phase: their testing. At this stage, most projects tend to be compromised.

What could be done to make this step more reliable and calm?

Today you will get to know a bit about Kyts – a tool created to facilitate your factory routine, tests and the management of your projects focusing on quality!

Lets go?

What is Kyts?

It’s a tool solution offered by Kyros for software testing.

Regardless of whether it’s developed internally or by software factories, the program needs to ensure that the performance is within the expected range and that is what Kyts does as well.

At the same time, it allows it to be fast, Kyts offers a secure way to track the steps and validate the performance of different phases of the software, supporting quality control. The advantages are many: reduced time to release projects, optimization of flow production and costs inherent to it, greater productivity, compliance with deadlines and level of satisfaction.

This agility, combined with good performance, is what will bring differential to it in a very dynamic era, which requires technology to follow a rigorous implementation rhythm, closing the equation results = quality + agility.

Main functions

Kyts offers a series of utilities, such as:

Workflow settings

This functionality allows you to configure the entire sequence of steps required to run the software project, making it clearer to define the steps and the division of all the work that runs over its lifetime.

What is most interesting about it is the possibility, however, of adjusting this workflow according to the methodology being used in the project in question, making it easier to adjust the pace of development to specific demands and optimize the response of the parties involved in all cases.

The organization and clarification of the processes in this adjusted way is essential, since a more traditional method of organizing the flow could not fully adapt to the demands of a new or different methodology from which the company has already been accustomed to working on previous projects.

This is especially important even more in one phase, for example, in the ones they start to open their eyes to new possibilities, agile methodologies and continuous integrations.

Grafics and evidence controle

The practical and simple visualization of indicators is extremely helpful in the management process of a software project.

That’s why Kyts offers the convenience of creating extremely objective graphics about a number of data performance of the project in different levels, also being able to indicate the occurrence source of the problem, which helps on fast decision making for procedure improvement.

Though easy access on system evidence, the approval phase also gains agility.

Alike, the creation of test scenarios and planning help make programmed quality control easier in all possible ways, considerably reducing problems in any stage whatsoever, delivering solutions that can be used with confidence by the final user.

Factories Situations

For companies that work with more than one software factory, another feature that really helps with the work is the possibility to see a factory classification by the amount of retests, which present the occurrences from different scopes, indicating important data about performances. This helps to promote improvements in the environments that need the most, so in the end, all have similar and satisfactory performances, reducing malfunctions on system production.


Finally- but not least important- Kyts Mobile meets the key needs of managers and teams in a modern era that requires mobility for greater integration, perception of what happens, monitoring at any time and place and more interaction power and faster intervention when necessary.

By visualizing main warnings and informations about Project progress from a mobile device, your responsible can act easily throughout the process.

So, how about testing this tool on your software as well? Want to know more about it? Contact Kyros or access our video to see more practical demonstrations of how it works!

Postado por Kyros Tecnologia em 20 April, 2017


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